Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Curse of the Standard Bearers Part 2 and 3

Some more things I gleaned:

     The Standard Bearer feels content to learn the standards to be acceptable to God and others and then do them as a means of living for Jesus. The True Image Bearer, however doesn't view life as trying to imitate or copy the life of Jesus and live for Him, but seeks daily to find His life hidden in Christ and to experience Jesus living His life through them.

     The Scribes and Pharisees (the Standard Bearers of Jesus' day) elevated their interpretations of Scripture to the same level as the inerrant Word of God. They considered those who didn't live like they did to be heretics.

     (Standard Bearers) makes standards that are not explicitly given in Scriptures (like the Scribes and Pharisees) and promotes them as spiritual wisdom. (Col. 2:20-23) Image Bearers boast only in the righteousness of Christ before God, his standards are determined by (and flow out of) Jesus' standard: love for God and others (Gal 5:14)

     One of the reasons God does not bring people to see issues or interpret Scripture the same in a family, church, or community is for the purpose of making it evident who is a Standard Bearer and who is a True Image Bearer.

As I was thinking about this issue of Standard Bearers I was realizing how much of it flows from a fear of Rejection.  Even though I may not agree with everything in this book (after all it isn't the Bible!)I found this extremely helpful:

May you find freedom, peace, and joy in Christ and Christ alone.

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